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Donate crypto to causes that matter.

Donate crypto to the causes that matter.

Give 30+ cryptocurrencies to any U.S. nonprofit.
Direct Donations
Donate crypto to any 501(c)(3) in the United States.
Explore Nonprofits
Donor-Advised Funds
Immediate tax benefits and a legacy of impact.
Open a DAF
Donations done at the smart-contract level.
Let's Build

Start your Web 3 charitable journey


Receive a tax-deductible donation receipt.


Earn rewards.


Claim your proof of donation NFT and participate in a DAO community.


Donate Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDC or any of the 30+ supported tokens.

Receive cash donations, deposited directly in your account.
Receive crypto donations β€” on average $10,455 versus $128 for cash.
Accept donations with confidence, thanks to our donor pre-screening process.
Get set up quickly, with free and simple onboarding.
Claim your proof of donation NFT and participate in a DAO community.
Expand your capabilities with free education courses and 1:1 support.

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Make a donation in crypto from your wallet ✨

Donations are quick and easy β€” choose one of 500,000+ nonprofits on our platform and connect your wallet.

You'll receive a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation ✍️

This receipt is issued on behalf of the Givepact Charitable Foundation.

The smart contract automatically splits your donation 95/4/1 ⚑️

The platform automatically splits your donation 95/4/1 [lightning]"Givepact charges a 5% transaction fee on all donations:
95% goes directly to the nonprofit of choice
4% goes to the Givepact, INC
1% goes to the Givepact DAO Treasury

Your gift to the nonprofit is converted to cash 🏦

This is done immediately to preserve the intended USD value of donated crypto.

We send the donations to the nonprofits in USD via check or direct deposit πŸ’Έ

Their bank information is verified by our team, so you can be sure that it’s secure.

your money

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